Odlings Supplier Audit 

This audit is based on defined criterion for social and Environmental accountability. Scoring is based on the supplier's ability to meet the requirements. The audit focuses on factors that would result in non compliance to the social accountability standard. The intent of the audit based on the requirements of the Odlings Policy and national/local laws is to provide useful assessment information for making sourcing decisions and reducing associated risks. 
Refer to our conformance guideline document for more information. 

Supplier Details 

Personnel Auditing 

1. Child Labour 

1.1 Does the company know the minimum legal working age? 
Evidence To Check 
1. Ask HR department or individual responsible for hiring employees. 
2. Ask if that person has a documented national law in which the minimal working age is written. 
1.2 Does a written policy exist at the company addressing legal minimum age or 16, whichever is greater? 
Evidence To Check 
Review policy and record the document number / name in which this policy is written. 
1.3 What are the procedures the company follows to verify the age of its employees? 
Evidence To Check 
Review the procedure, and ask the audited person to explain the procedure. 
1.4 Are ages of all employees checked prior to hiring? 
Evidence To Check 
Select 3 employees (of apparent youngest age) , record their name and ID, ask them their age, year of birth, date of hire. Ask them if their employer asked for age identification at the time of their hiring. Cross check employee information with HR records. 

Audit recommendations 

Please tick the one that applies 
Systems are effective. We are happy to start or continue business with this supplier. 
System is acceptable, with minor nonconformities noted. You could use this supplier, and keep pushing for improvements. 
System has several major issues noted. You could temporarily use this supplier and request immediate corrective action in case of long-term business. 
There are serious major issues with this supplier that could impact in your business. The better solution will be to source for another supplier. 

Additional Supporting Documents & Photos 


Download our current product brochure to see our full range of memorials. Please note that the size of the PDF file is 20mb. 
Odlings Hull 
59 New Cleveland Street, Kingston-upon-Hull, East Yorkshire, HU8 7HB 
01482 324 332 / info@odlings.co.uk